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Category: Updates

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Changes to Residential Tenancy Laws effective from 23 March 2020.
Residential Tenancy laws govern the tenant’s renting experience, while contemporaneously ensuring that Landlords can effectively manage their properties. The changes effected, seek to circumvent disputes arising over repairs and maintenance,...
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Top Ten Tips for Co-Parenting During the COVID-19 Crisis
As the COVID-19 crisis continues to escalate across the country, family lawyers have been inundated with enquiries from co-parents with established custody arrangements about what they should be doing to...
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Can I get paid now? The Pros and Cons of the proposed Insolvency Amendments in response to the COVID-19 Crisis
In order to combat what would seem to be a quick snatch and grab at debts, the Federal Government has announced as part of its stimulus package, that it proposes...
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The COVID-19 Crisis and your construction business - prevention is better than cure
The current climate threatens to wreak havoc with industry stakeholders - whether sole traders, sub-contractors, contractors, principals and head contractors, developers or investors.
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COVID-19 Crisis Poses Risk to Real Estate
How could the COVID-19 Crisis affect real estate in New South Wales? These unprecedented circumstances create many concerning and uncertain issues of which to be aware of.
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COVID-19 Crisis and the Australian border shutdown
Madison Marcus has received numerous enquiries with respect to intending travellers, bridging visas, bridging visa holders and temporary visa holders. From 9pm AEDT 20 March 2020, only Australian citizens, residents...
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How to protect the health of your business during the COVID-19 Crisis
In the same way that we are all looking to solutions to keep our society protected, there are special measures that many businesses can take to ensure that they ultimately...
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COVID-19 Coronavirus Update: Be Empowered
We have empowered our office, our teams and our clients with the best and most sophisticated legal practice software and remote working technology that allows for a seamless client experience...
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Madison Marcus response to COVID-19 Pandemic
  Madison Marcus has taken several precautionary measures to ensure the health and safety of our staff and clients throughout the COVID-19 Coronavirus Pandemic. Like all community conscious businesses, our...
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Restructuring your business to deal with a crisis.
In view of the recent bush fires and coronavirus (COVID-19) disruption to markets across the world, business owners need to reassess their short term and medium term restructuring needs.
Michael Mournehis Associate announcement
Madison Marcus promotes Michael Mournehis to Associate
The Board of Madison Marcus is delighted to announce the promotion of Michael Mournehis to Associate in our Commercial Litigation team.
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Madison Marcus appoints Benoir Bayssari as youngest ever Director.
The Board of Madison Marcus is delighted to announce the appointment of Benoir Bayssari as a Director of the Firm.
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Developers, vendors and purchasers of real property in Victoria take note
5 key changes from the Sale of Land Amendment Act (Vic) (Amendment Act) came into effect on 1st March 2020 bringing with them significant consequences if not complied with.
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Compulsory Acquisition
Is your property being acquired to make way for a new infrastructure project, such as the new Sydney Metro lines or the Western Sydney Airport infrastructure. There are multiple State...
Directors Beware ASIC and Liquidators enhanced new powers to combat Company Phoenixing
Directors Beware - ASIC and Liquidators have enhanced new powers to combat Company Phoenixing
Company Directors need to ensure that they are aware of and compliant with the new Illegal Phoenixing Laws that were introduced this week. The new phoenix offences will prohibit creditor-defeating...
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Madison Marcus' Sydney Office is moving
Madison Marcus are delighted to announce that on 17 February 2020, our Sydney Head Office will move to new premises at Level 4, 71 York St, Sydney.   Our new state of the...